[TEST] SpaceX Kernel v0.2 - N910 & N916 S/L/K | Official
- Base Samsung Opensource N910S (COI2)
- Supports
N910 & N916 S/L/K
- Auto-Rooting
- Auto BusyBox
- SELinux set to permissive
- Init.d support
- Auto-Kill Knox/SecurityLogAgent
- Deep Sleep fix
- Wifi pass forget fix
- Disable Samsung Rooting Restriction Feature & TIMA
- Removed Some Unnecessary Samsung Security Stuff
- Bic as default TCP congestion control for best networking speed
- Optimized for stable
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SpaceX kernel opensource: <div class="link-essentials-favicon">
ManhIT-CMB/SpaceX-Kernel-Exynos5433 at N910S · GitHub</div>
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Anh em giúp test nhé.
Thank you very much!
@namfat @hdtk234
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